Monday 22 July 2024

Out of touch

 A few weeks ago DZ highlighted the case of Dr Sarah Benn, a climate activist, and that the GMC had sanctioned her, in defiance of several articles of the Human Rights act.

Despite her having been retired for 2 years now they suspended her registration for five months. A totally vindictive, spiteful, and pointless act, but totally in character for the GMC and MPTS.

The reason that they ignored her very valid arguments was that they asserted that they knew better what the general public might consider unprofessional behaviour.

Enter the Doctors' Association UK, who decided to fact check this stance, by polling 2000 members of the general public. Only 3% of those polled agreed with the MPTS! A perfect illustration of how out of touch, patronising, arrogant and incompetent the GMC are.

I'm not sure why Dr Benn is still registered with the GMC at all. Taking voluntary erasure is an easy process and frees retired doctors completely from their malign attention. 

And using logical arguments in her defence was another waste of time. They're deaf and blind to anything but their own preconceptions. Why did she even bother turning up? What can they possibly do to a doctor no longer practising.

In her shoes I would have gone to the tribunal. And I would have relished the opportunity to express my opinion, and told them to fuck off!

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