Friday 10 March 2023


DZ today came across this article, saying almost exactly the same thing about high Oxygen levels as he wrote in his most recent article. Compare these statements;

"You can kill anything with enough Oxygen"  DZ 7 March

"At high levels, oxygen is toxic to every form of life"  Phys org, 9 March

I'm not saying I've been plagiarised. I am fully aware that the work that went into the article has been months at least in preparation, but it's a coincidence nonetheless.

It seems that hyperoxia is more harmful than moderate levels of hypoxia. DZ is always amused when he observes the degree of panic induced in his anaesthetic colleagues when the patient's saturation drops below 90% despite the fact that everyone in Mexico city walks around on a daily basis with saturations hovering around 80%. And those who make it to the summit of Everest without using bottled oxygen will have saturations as low as 40%, the sort of level that would induce apoplexy in an anaesthetist.

Perhaps Oxygen is over rated!

1 comment:

  1. Remember the Cardiology reg getting all upset because we in ED would not give oxygen to a ?MI patient because the new research said not to do it. Did not believe us and actually wrote on the patients notes, "ED refused to give oxygen." Rather than look at the research and I heard him on the phone to the CCU nurses telling them to give the patient oxygen as soon as he appeared because we would not do it.
