Sunday 3 July 2022


 DZ has always been careful to ensure he does not identify himself on this blog, but on this occasion has decided to post a pic of himself. Here I am.

Yes, DZ has acquired a dinosaur suit as a present, and very pleased he is with it too. It's a wearable plastic inflatable. It's kept inflated by an electric fan which also supplies the wearer with an air supply, very important when wearing a large plastic bag. Like most men DZ finds the idea of reading instructions a bit demeaning. After all I can figure out something as basic as this without having to resort to patronising instructions. And so it was that I installed the fan the wrong way round. I put it on, zipped up and turned on the fan. Which promptly sucked all the air out of the costume, causing some consternation as the resultant suffocation started. Unlike some strange souls I am not someone who finds this a pleasant experience. Fortunately I was able to find the zip fairly quickly and open up. 

Lucky I didn't end up like this.

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