Another of the famous mohammed cartoons that has resulted in death threats is this one by Kurt Westergaard.
Mr Westergaard was attacked on new years day 2010, in his own home by an axe wielding Somali, who was shot in the leg by Danish police. The attacker has been found guilty of terrorism and sentenced to 9 years, followed by immediate deportation. Nice to see the Danes taking freedom of speech seriously.
The attacker should consider himself lucky that the Danish police shot him once only and in the leg. Can you imagine his fate had he been confronted by British anti terror police.
Flooding the zone works!
38 minutes ago
Our lot would likely, have shot him many times, shot the victim; an innocent passer-by; a member of the team, or more likely all of the forgoing.
ReplyDeleteSorry, used to work with some of these p***s, I have recovered now; just!