Sunday 6 October 2024


 Advertising is a strange aspect of modern life. From the moment you wake and interact with the world you are bombarded with messages trying to persuade you to part with your cash in return for some overhyped item or service. Often it's never occurred to you in your life that you would want what's on offer.

What DZ considers ethical advertising simply describes what is on offer, and the ad may have the advantage of not taking itself too seriously, and or being entertaining in it's own right.

But all too often advertisers stray into practices that are less than ethical. False claims abound, particularly for slimming products,  medical devices, tooth whiteners etc, and some of these DZ has highlighted on this site.

And then there's hyperbole, and I've recently come across a glaring example of this. An ad that waxes lyrical about what they call "vertical room storage" functioning as both "decor and storage" and "a perfect example of how thoughtful design can transform functional elements into striking focal points....deepening the sense of coziness and connection to nature."

Or as DZ likes to call it, "Shelves!"

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Akusoli scam

 I haven't done a scam post for some time, though they seem to be my most popular. Akusoli are insoles with magnets in, purported to reduce various aches and pains, and also reduce body fat, by acupressure. A pair will set you back £30 to £90 depending on whatever offer they are offering at the time.

Interestingly trustpilot reviews are generally favorable. Until you read them. It looks as if they get their customers to write a review as part of the ordering process, meaning that the review writer hasn't actually tried them yet. Reviews from those who have received and used them are, unsurprisingly, not so positive.

And there is no reason why they should be. Acupuncture, and acupressure are both alternative medicine practices with no credible or reputable research showing any benefit. Oh, come on. Does it sound feasible that magnetic insoles would have any effect. Get real!

But the sellers know full well how slimming and pain relieving products appeal to the desperate. The advertising blurb for these things is bullshit, with numerous pseudoscientific claims, all fallacious, and the product itself manifest garbage. 

Save your money. Don't be taken in.

Appraisal fails yet again.

 Great Ormond Street Hospital has long been regarded in the UK as providing the very best in NHS paediatric care. So this story about one of their former orthopaedic surgeons is exceptionally worrying. Like the case of Ian Paterson, Mr Yaser Jabbar seems to have been performing botched and mutilating surgery for some years, before finally being stopped. Sadly, as soon as the shit hit the fan Mr Jabbar decided he didn't want to face the music, and fucked off sharpish to Dubai.

It's clear that he had been underperforming for some time, and concerns raised with the Trust from unhappy parents were ignored by management. And once more one of the guilty is the Medical Director. What is it with Medical Directors?

Finally the Trust asked the Royal College of Surgeons to review the problem, prompted by the sheer volume of complaints from parents and staff.

Notice if you will, one glaring absence from the list of those who apprehended this guy. The General Medical Council. I thought they were supposed, through the appraisal and revalidation system, to pick up these problems early on.

It couldn't be could it, that appraisal is totally ineffective in this, or any other objective? Surely not. That would mean it was a total, complete and utter waste of time and resources

Thursday 1 August 2024

Mystery object answer


No suggestions on this one. It's not actually medical. It's a hand held device for dispatching chickens quickly by breaking the neck in the approved place. Not approved by the chickens obviously.

Saturday 27 July 2024

Monday 22 July 2024

Out of touch

 A few weeks ago DZ highlighted the case of Dr Sarah Benn, a climate activist, and that the GMC had sanctioned her, in defiance of several articles of the Human Rights act.

Despite her having been retired for 2 years now they suspended her registration for five months. A totally vindictive, spiteful, and pointless act, but totally in character for the GMC and MPTS.

The reason that they ignored her very valid arguments was that they asserted that they knew better what the general public might consider unprofessional behaviour.

Enter the Doctors' Association UK, who decided to fact check this stance, by polling 2000 members of the general public. Only 3% of those polled agreed with the MPTS! A perfect illustration of how out of touch, patronising, arrogant and incompetent the GMC are.

I'm not sure why Dr Benn is still registered with the GMC at all. Taking voluntary erasure is an easy process and frees retired doctors completely from their malign attention. 

And using logical arguments in her defence was another waste of time. They're deaf and blind to anything but their own preconceptions. Why did she even bother turning up? What can they possibly do to a doctor no longer practising.

In her shoes I would have gone to the tribunal. And I would have relished the opportunity to express my opinion, and told them to fuck off!

Wednesday 17 July 2024


 DZ has been highly critical over the years about the GMC. But this article reveals that the General Nursing council is just as bad. Compare these two phrases;

the council causes distress to doctors over trivial complaints while tolerating poor practice in other cases”. Sir Liam Donaldson.

"Good nurses find themselves investigated for years over minor issues, while some bad ones escape sanction."  Independent review.

In fact, reading the review you could be forgiven for thinking that it was about the GMC, with references to bullying, racism, and suicide among those being investigated.

The GMC, GNC, and all the other specific regulatory bodies should be abolished totally, and replaced with a proper, independent, professional body covering all health professions. Staffed by properly qualified people, instead of the incompetent amateurs we all have to put up with.