Thursday 30 September 2010

Money money money

In his comment to my previous posting Neil80 pointed out doing away with PCTs will surely mean more opportunities for Doctors to do nicely out of the system” This thought has obviously occurred to others, though, whereas Neil seems to regard the possibility with resigned distaste others appear to regard the prospect as a golden opportunity.

This article indicates to me that some are already  viewing commissioning as a potential gravy train and that even some hospital consultants want a piece of the action.  

I think it will be easy to spot those with ambitions to cash in on this. They will be the ones  unreservedly speaking out in favour of the whole concept.

Some of my colleagues only differ from prostitutes in one respect. There are some things prostitutes will not do for money.


  1. "Some of my colleagues only differ from prostitutes in one respect. There are some things prostitutes will not do for money."

    Quote of the week FTW :-)

  2. Dear Zorro,

    For a moment I thought you might mean me!

    but really, Neil80 seems to Trust Doctors less than PCT managers to line their own pockets. Why so?

    The venal and greedy are to be found in all walks of life, and there may well be some Doctors who will work the system. However is anyone seriously suggesting that Commissioning should take place without Doctors being involved?

    The internal market and use of private providers was greatly expanded under a Labour Government, the Lib/Tory coalition is merely building on what is now the consensus policy of all three English parties. Who are we as Doctors to frustrate the democratic will because we feel differently?

    It is quite possible that the influence of Doctors will improve commissioning, indeed the early contacts that I have had on some proposals is that these are quality rather than price driven, and not before time.

    DR Phil

  3. I agree. I have said before, with reservations, that commissioning as proposed could work well in my view. But it needs the right people to be involved for the right reasons.
    Unfortunately our profession has too many grasping types within it who will seek to capitalise.
    Despite the impression you like to project, I don't think you are one of them.

  4. Dear Zorro,

    There are greedy and grasping doctors who will see this as an opportunity to make money, but it is relatively small groups of GP's in a locality who will choose their representatives. They know their local colleagues better than anyone. I think that they will choose wisely, I have faith in them.

    Privatisation is on it's way, clearly on the agenda. What I want to see is a dynamic small business sector with Specialists working in close collaboration with GP's developing local services for local people, and in it for the long term. What I don't want to see (but fear is more likely) is the conversion of a public sector, patient unfriendly monopoly into an exploitative private sector monopoly run by large faceless international health care companies that treat both patients and staff with contempt and care only for the bottom line.

    I don't want to retire yet, I love being a doctor, but will refuse to work for Serco or United Health. I value my independence and will carry on in my own small way, though revalidation may make independent practise difficult.

    I hate to see the failure of socialism, but it has failed.

    Dr Phil
