Thursday, 15 March 2012


Until yesterday my stats package has always shown the considerable majority of visitors to this blog were from the UK. Except for those occasions when I have attracted referrer spam. For the first time yesterday another country scored more views than the UK. So what is it that makes Zorro so popular in Norway?


  1. I sometimes have a mass visit from foreign soils and all seem to focus on a particular post.

    Click on a URL and backtrack and you will often find the reason for the sudden interest...

    Anna :o]

  2. On my blogs when I checked which was rarely I pretty well assumed that any from Russia were from anonymizers. Norway never featured. Perhaps it was the "N" in the one of your earlier postings. Let us know when you find out, if you do.

  3. PS Check search keywords on dashboard.

    Anna :o]

  4. Not an isloated mass visit, but a consistent & building trend. Perhaps one of my Norwegian viewers might care to comment.

  5. Do you think it has something to do with your pictures of nuns and ice cream........?

  6. Mmmm - very interesting then! I wonder what you have that the Norwegians want...

    Anna :o]
