Wednesday, 6 March 2013


Regular followers of my blog will have noticed a sharp fall off in the number of posts since I retired from the NHS and may be wondering why. Perhaps I've spent the last few months in deep depression, or a drunken stupor now that I have lost my purpose in life. Or maybe I just don't care about the NHS any more or no longer have the experiences that provide the raw material.


The truth is that since I have retired I have been so fucking busy with the things I want to do that I don't seem to have the time to blog. I have ever growing "to do" lists and there are not enough hours in the day. I had toyed with the idea of doing a little agency work, but I don't know how I could fit it in.

So those of you approaching retirement, (JD?) if you think you are in for a life of leisure, think again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zorro.

    I may be busy when I retire, but at least it will be doing things I want to, rather than doing pointless things that politicians tell me to do.

    8 weeks left.
