Friday 3 May 2024

Be nice.

 Like most people, DZ has occasionally opened the door to evangelising individuals, purporting to be concerned for your welfare, and offering salvation. Usually, but not exclusively Jehovah's Witnesses. DZ, until recently, has turned them away in a polite and civil manner, but he is aware that many people give in to their irritation and respond rudely or even abusively.

But I have recently read something that points out that this in fact plays into the hands of the cult. That the visit of the faithful is not actually intended to convert you, but to reinforce the brainwashing of those unfortunates on your doorstep.

The whole process is explained here, by Doug Robertson.

So the next time this happens, be nice to them. Offer them a cup of tea. Sit them down. It might actually counter very slightly the brainwashing they are enduring. You could even print off some copies of this article and, when they offer you their leaflets, you offer them a copy of yours. If they accept, suggest to them that every time they endure abuse on the doorstep they should remember what Dr Robertson has written. Make it politely clear you don't share their beliefs but express sympathy for their predicament. I've actually done this once with a middle aged pair of JW's and explained how they were being brainwashed. They actually lost their temper! And left. Result!

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