You can't have failed to notice that it's coming up to the centenary of the start of the first world war. I have to say that I'm not sure that it's something we should be commemorating. If we are going to celebrate anything to do with that episode of history we should wait till 2018 and celebrate it's end.
But that would deprive various people the opportunity to make money out of selling commemorative tat. Cynical old DZ is not surprised to see adds appearing like this one, though he is a little angry.
The add uses phrases such as "important that we never forget the sacrifices made on our
behalf by the brave young soldiers" and "the 16
million who gave their lives will never be forgotten." (their highlighting).
So show your respect by buying a trinket! I think I'm going to be sick!
The hateful loons are gathering in Austin this month
15 hours ago