Monday 12 August 2013


The GMC is getting it's knives out. They are talking about effectively striking off 8,500 doctors, none of whom appear to have actually done anything wrong. Nice to know they are using their authority in such an impartial and compassionate manner.

1 comment:

  1. As a non-doctor, I find what is required of doctors baffling. I chanced to pick up a letter sent to a relative of mine advertising some training. I glanced at it and the first words that caught my eye were 'recognition of the unconscious patient'. Curious, my eyes scanned upwards and I saw something about revalidation learning credits and that the course was for GPs, GP registrars, nurse practitioners and practice nurses.

    Perhaps I am naive but I found it difficult to conceive that someone could reach the position of GP without being able to recognise an unconscious patient. Please will someone here reassure me that I can rely on GPs to know how to recognise an unconscious patient, what an epi-pen is and the causes, signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis without their having to go on a course to learn such things?

    (The course will be at the Birmingham Medical Institute in September.)
