Friday, 7 March 2025


 Some of you may have seen a recent interview where the Vice President of the USA, J D (couch shagger) Vance was somewhat disparaging about the armed forces of the UK, claiming they've not fought a war in over 40 years, as if their own record of seeking out, or even starting conflicts at the drop of a hat is something to be proud of.

Well hold my beer!

UK forces have consistently stood and fought side by side with US soldiers in all most every conflict involving the USA since World War 2. We supported the US militarily during the Korean war, both Gulf wars, the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war, in case Mr Vance hadn't noticed.

On only two notable occasions have the US or UK been in a conflict without the other. One was in the South Atlantic, when the UK fought Argentina for the liberation of the Falkland Islands. The US was conspicuous by it's absence there and left the UK to fight it out alone 8000 miles from home. Nonetheless UK forces delivered a decisive victory there in just 10 weeks, managing without the US perfectly well. The other occasion was the Vietnam war, which the UK wisely decided not to get involved. It lasted nearly twenty years and ended when the US withdrew in disarray, panic and chaos. They lost that one.

Same game, different result.

And now it looks as if the USA won't support Ukraine unless they can make a profit out of it. This time, hopefully, not just the UK, but the whole of Europe will step up to protect their neighbour. I think we can manage.

Slava Ukraini