Monday, 3 February 2025


 The shitshow going on across the Atlantic is becoming so massive and multifaceted that it's becoming difficult to follow. Imagine what it's like living there.

But make no mistake, it's going to affect us in the UK too. Take just these two aspects which could be plots from a comedy show if they weren't serious.

Firstly gynaecomast Elon Musk wants to rename the English Channel the "George Washington channel"! Good luck with that. Have they not noticed that our neighbours in Europe all have different names for the channel. Nobody seems to care.

Secondly it looks as if Trump is about to impose tariffs on the EU and UK next, claiming that the hefty trade deficit that exists between us is somehow unfair. Listen fat boy, we can't help it if you don't make anything we want to buy. It might help if you didn't fill all your consumables with a mix of toxic chemicals that are banned over here. Astoundingly he feels that it's outrageous that that we pay far less for our pharmaceuticals than they do. Well that's because of entirely internal factors that allow US drug companies to massively price gouge.

DZ has hardly ever bought anything that comes from the USA, not deliberately, but simply because not much american stuff seems to make it's way over here. There is Budweiser I suppose, if you like beer that tastes like creosote. (Unlike Czech Budweier, which is simply divine.)

So buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride. Hopefully things will work out OK in the end.

Sunday, 26 January 2025



This picture is doing the rounds at the moment, in which Elon Musk can be seen clearly exhibiting gynaecomastia. 

He is known to have had male pattern hair loss from quite a young age. He's also known to have had hair transplant, so the hair loss is assuredly something he's sensitive about. It's likely that he is, in view of this, also taking Finasteride. 

Finasteride is a drug that has been around for a long time, having originally been developed to treat Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy. It is a long term treatment. It was discovered that it can counter male pattern baldness with up to 80% of affected men seeing some hair regeneration with long term use.

But in pharmacology there's no such thing as a free lunch. Finasteride is a Testosterone inhibitor and there are potential side effects. These include loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, and gynaecomastia.

The late Chuck Jones once said, "A fanatic is one who redoubles his efforts when he has lost sight of the original objective." In his efforts to project an image of youth and vitality Mr Musk may well have been hoist by his own petard.

Monday, 20 January 2025

Quote for today, 21 January

 "Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars."

Martin Luther King

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Sunday, 5 January 2025

New year

 Somewhat belatedly, Merry Christmas, and happy new year to anyone who reads this page.